Friday, April 20, 2007


Did u see the tree above? I dont know what its name in english but in malay we called it "Pokok Ara". I take this picture at sandakan somewhere in Batu Sapi area. my sister in law (not yet actually) told me that the tree have a story. She told me that this "pokok Ara" have a spiritual. It killed two man who was trying to cut down the tree. Till now no one dare to cut down the tree. the project contractor have made a RM20k offer to anyone willing to cut down the tree. So anyone up for the challenge? Can make easy money lol.

A close-up shot of the tree.

"keluarga saya"


ini restoran paling laku nie.....tengok itu nama restoran sija pun sudah tau. :P
Ada juga bah nie nama restoran kan...pusing2 sikit ayat tu len suda maksud dia tu. wakkkaa